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  • 英文日:農曆新年活動


Date: 07/02/2024


同學於早上不但可以到英文室觀看有關農曆新年的影片,還可以到雨天操場參加新年歌Sing & Dance活動。另外,同學更可以於小息及午息參與不同的攤位遊戲。活動形式豐富多彩包括以英文向老師或英文大使提問問題;試食傳統賀年食品;以英文向老師說出祝福語,換取English star tickets等。此外,同學還可以學習用利是封製作與農曆新年有關的小手工呢!同學們都十分積極投入參與各項活動,獲益良多!

English Day (Chinese New Year)

English day activities are held every Friday. The theme of Weekly English Day from 19th January to 2nd February is Chinese New Year. Different booth games and learning activities have been designed for our students in order to enhance their interest in learning English. 

Students watched videos about Chinese New Year in English Room. They also sang and danced happily in the covered playground. During the first recess and lunch recess, students participated in different booth games. They could also taste some traditional Chinese food by asking 'May I have ...?' to our teachers or English Ambassadors. In addition, students said some blessings to English teachers so as to get English star tickets. They also learnt how to make dragon puppets with red envelopes. Everyone enjoyed the activities so much and learnt a lot about Chinese New Year.
