
1. 注重品德教育,培養優秀公民素質
To emphasize moral education, and encourage students to be good citizens
2. 建立正面價值 學習抗逆與承擔
To develop positive values, and learn to fight against adversity
3. 承傳中華文化,弘揚民族精神
To carry forward traditional Chinese culture, and promote national identity
4. 重視兩文三語,培育國際視野人才
To develop language abilities in order to be trilingual and biliterate, and nurture students
with global vision
5. 提升自主學習,啟發創新探究精神
To cultivate students' self-learning skills and attitude, and inspire creativity and inquiry
6. 發展多元智能,實現一生一體藝
To develop students' multiple intelligences, and achieve "One Life, One Sport, One Art"
7. 鍛煉健康體魄,推動綠色校園生活
To build up a healthy body, and promote green living