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濕地公園進行全方位學習活動A life-wide learning project - A visit to Hong Kong Wetland Park

Date: 21/03/2023

為配合五年級英文課題 “A Fun Day Out”,學校安排小五學生於三月十日到濕地公園進行全方位學習活動,讓他們有更多機會在日常生活中應用英語。此活動除了為學生提供真實的英語環境外,還讓他們認識了公園內不同動、植物的特點和濕地對環境的重要性,同學們對環境保育的意識提高了不少。
In order to extend students’ learning experience beyond the classroom for the topic of ‘A Fun Day Out”, the school organized a life-wide learning project - A visit to Hong Kong Wetland Park for P.5 students on 10th March. The learning opportunity provided an authentic and meaningful context for students to learn English. In addition, they learned more about the features of plants and animals in the park, which raises their awareness about the importance of conservation.
濕地公園進行全方位學習活動A life-wide learning project - A visit to Hong Kong Wetland Park