
Date: 21/11/2022

為營造校園學習英文的氛圍、為同學們帶來有趣的英文學習體驗,本校逢星期三舉行英文日活動。本學年的英文日活動已於十一月十六日正式開始。同學在英文日進行不同的英文學習活動,包括早讀時段,英文大使與低年級同學伴讀、與外籍老師Miss Molly一起閱讀英文圖書、分享故事,以及到英文室觀看英文電影。小息時,學生以英語跟老師和英文大使交談,分享自己喜歡的運動,學生皆踴躍參與,樂在其中!
In order to create an English learning atmosphere on campus and bring students an interesting English learning experience, our school organises English Day activities every Wednesday. The English Day activities of this school year officially started on 16th November. Students joined different English learning activities on English Day, including morning reading time, English ambassadors reading with junior students, reading English books and sharing stories with our NET Miss Molly and watching English movies in the English room. During recess, students chatted with teachers and English ambassadors in English and shared their favourite sports too. Students participated enthusiastically and enjoyed the activities so much!