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Easter Egg Hunt英文科復活節尋蛋活動

Date: 02/04/2023

To celebrate Easter and enable students to have a better understanding of the festival, our school organized a series of activities on 31st March this year. In the early morning, our NET Miss Molly shared some storybooks about Easter with students in the library. Students also watched videos about the festival during lunch. They loved the stories very much! At recess, they joined an egg hunt activity. Colourful laminated eggs were hung around the campus. Students had to look for the eggs and answer questions in English. In the end, they got a prize – yummy chocolate eggs! Everyone had great fun!
為了慶祝復活節和讓學生更認識這個節日, 本校英文組於3月31日為學生準備了豐富的節目。首先,外籍老師Miss Molly早上向學生分享了有關復活節的故事, 學生在午膳時也觀賞有關復活節的錄像, 他們對這些故事極為投入! 另外, 學生在小息及午息時還進行了尋蛋活動, 他們需要在操場上尋找特定顏色的復活蛋, 再以英文回答問題。根據同學們所寫的答案,他們能獲得不同的朱古力蛋。領取獎品時,他們也感到非常雀躍!
Easter Egg Hunt英文科復活節尋蛋活動