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音樂無界限 歌聲助抗疫 Fighting the virus in Music

Date: 29/04/2020


1. 在家一人一句演唱或演奏出《全力抗炎》。
2. 讓同學們揮動畫筆,表達他們對疫症病人的關懷,並對抗疫期間堅守崗位、服務人群的各界人士(包括醫護、清潔人員,以及老師等)表達謝意。

影片由我校老師剪輯而成,望各界朋友和標小師生攜手,齊心抗疫, 散播正能量! 

As the novel conronavirus has spread in the community, our Music and Visual Art teachers initiated a cross-curriculum activity which aims to encourage students to develop a positive attitude. We invited students to sing the song ‘Let’s fight the virus!’. They also drew pictures to present their respect and gratitude to those who continue to serve the community with dedication, including the health care workers, cleaning personnel, teachers and so on.

The video is presented by our school teachers in hope to promote positive thinking.



